I turned 34 on July 1 and decided that my birthday presesnt to myself would be to start a blog. This has been a long time coming. I've been following so many other's blogs for numerous years now and was content with being a silent observer. Because I'm shy. Because I'm private. Because I was afraid. Afraid that no one would read this. That no one would care. That I couldn't measure up to the amazing blogs already out there. But, then I started to comment here and there. To be perfectly honest, it was always for contests. That led to wanting more. It has been within the past year that I've had the intense desire to join in the fun. I'm not satisfied with just reading and commenting. I want to be a part of this wonderful, creative, supportive community. I should also mention that what really helped push me to take the leap was the Blog and Business Workshop from marta writes. It included great advice, inspiration and info from many seasoned and successful bloggers. Here is the agenda. The best part - it was free. Marta also offers the complete workshop as a download for only $15.00 here. Not only do I recommend this workshop but also her fantastic blog. So thanks Marta for the great workshop and for the little push that I needed.
Welcome, new blogger Danielle.
I was just the same way... observing and being shy for a long time before starting my own blog.
I look foward to daily readings and experiencing this new adventure with you. M.
I'm so excited you've put this up! I'll check religiously.
The timing is perfect; I just pulled out my own collection of paper (which you started, by the way) and was thinking of things to do! Words and paper are two of my favorite things! It's also inspired me to get back into my blogging. Thanks for the inspiration!
Wow! I'm so excited that you are sharing this talent with the world. I am even more excited that I am among the first to be one of your biggest fans. I know I can't compete with M! I look forward to the inspration that you will share in the coming weeks, months, years.
Thank you, Danielle, for inviting me to read your blog. It's a wonderful endeavor.
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