Sunday, December 5, 2010

Reverb10-Let Go

Reverb 10

December 5 – Let Go.
What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why? (Author: Alice Bradley)

The biggest thing for me was that I let go of a career that I was miserable in. Which meant that I left a pretty coveted position. And along with that, an identity I tied to myself that was based on work only.  I realized that status, higher pay, and a title didn't amount to anything if I was unhappy. Even though, I ended up back in the field I left after being unemployed for 8 months in '09, I returned to a lesser position, pay & title.  I am
proud of myself & completely at peace with my decision.

I also let go of a lot of fear. I finally started a blog,where I could share my thoughts, fears, goals & day-to-day happenings. I started working on my Etsy shop (stay tuned for exciting news on this on Wednesday). In addition, I hired an awesome coach who has helped me tremendously with my goals. Along with fear, I let go of unrealistic expectations. The perfectionist inside of me, had trouble getting past worrying, making mistakes or comparing herself to others. So there was never any action or forward movement. And that was getting old.

In 2011, I'm looking to let go of some bad habits. I've been struggling with eating healthy. Also, I've been going back & forth between being a vegetarian & eating meat. I want to eliminate meat, except salmon. While, I have completed my 5k training, I haven't exactly maintained a regular exercise program & I want to do that as well.

So please share with me, what or whom did you let go of this year & why?

See you tomorrow for Paper Love Monday.


linda said...

I feel you! In 2009 I let go of a career and in 2010, I haven't still found a new path I want. That's a bold move, I'm so happy to hear that it worked out for you.

Also in 2011, I hope to be healthier with my eating habits as well. Oi.

Woz said...

Hooray for it all! :D Letting go of (insert whatever it is here) is one of the most powerful things we can do. And it's not easy either so stand tall in that one!

I'm super excited for Wednesday!

Also, yes, let that meat go. There are a number of reasons to do so! As if you don't check a number of my blogs already, I have one (that I've sorely neglected lately) that might be helpful

jlcvermont said...

I love your blog. I am so proud of all you have accomplished, and am excited to see the goals you have set for yourself and cannot wait to hear how they are going!

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