Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Reflect & Manifest: Reverb10

Reverb 10

Reverb 10 begins today. Prompt: One Word. Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you're choosing that word. Now, imagine it's one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?

2010 was an interesting year for me. I was unemployed for 8 months. By choice. And used the time for self-reflection and to come back to myself.  I called it the year of beginnings because it felt like a new chapter in my life. I wanted to focus on creativity and finding a new career. During this time, I started a blog and began working on my long-time goal of opening an Etsy shop.  I also spent a lot of time just being. Which, in my head, is code for doing nothing but watching a lot of movies and stalking reading blogs. It was fantastic.

Then, I started working and have been struggling with trying to find a balance between work, home and creativity. I also will most likely be out of a job again in January (you can read the details here). So, in a way, it feels as if my year has come full circle and I will be in the same position again. No matter what situation I should find myself in in the new year, I want to continue my forward momentum.  With my Etsy shop (continuing & expanding once it is opened), maintaining a healthy lifestyle, reading more and less  Netflix and Hulu. Also, I want to focus on my career goals. To figure out a new direction in which I'm actually passionate about and not just good at.

So tell me, what one word would you use to summarize this year? And have you thought of one for 2011? I would definitely love to hear. And if you want to join Reverb10, you can sign up here to receive the daily prompts via email.


Woz said...

I've been thinking and thinking what my word for 2010 and would be and what I've finally come up with to summarize it is: growth. So much has happened!

I've got to really think about what I want to label 2011, so I'll get back to you on that one. :D

I do like this momentum idear a lot, though. ;)

jeanne hewell-chambers said...

and i want you to continue forward momentum. there obviously will be a hiccup or two, but you keep going, sugar. you promise me you'll keep right on going.

linda said...

:) You can do it. I cannot wait to peruse your Etsy shop! Keep us updated.

Anonymous said...

My word for 2010 - extraordinary. So many changes in my life and my friends' lives. Births, deaths, weddings, funerals all reminded me of the resiliency of the human mind, body and spirit. I can't help but feel extraordinary when I look at my children, my husband and how we help each other and encourage each other. Or how each day presents us with an opportunity to reinvent ourselves. - Lakeisha

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