Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Halloween Spirit

As I've said numerous times, Fall is my favorite season. But I especially love October & Halloween. It's the time for scary movie marathons, big bags of candy, Halloween costumes & the usual comforts of cooler weather - scarves, sweaters, dresses with tights & boots, s'mores, hot chocolate, apple cider, pumpkin flavored anything & snuggling.

We actually don't get any trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood, since we live in a valley & our house is located on the top of a very steep hill. I guess the kids don't want to make the trek up each driveway. So I celebrate/pay tribute in other less obvious ways; like decorating my office with little trinkets & making cards.

I've been sorta obsessed with mummies. I got this mug at
our local grocery store & this mummy is part of the
 Tim Burton's Tragic Toys for girls & boys Collection.

I also pulled out an old favorite from last year. As for the cards I mentioned above, for 52 Weeks of Mail, I decided to make all Halloween cards & sent them out together instead of sending one per week. That just works better for me. I've shared little sneak peeks below & will share them in their entirety in another post once I know that they have been received (as I don't want to ruin the surprise).

How do you celebrate Halloween?


linda said...

Can't wait for the full disclosure!

I've always dressed up and gone downtown for Halloween. I'm in very strict budget mode so I am at a lost of what to dress up as. I kind of don't want to recycle costumes!

Dirt On The Rocks said...

i love the mug its so cute. i'm thinking of putting together a scrap book for fall this season for my son's pictures. i've got so many i don't really know what to do with it lol

Danielle said...

Linda - can you thrift for a costume? Or mix & match previous ones?

Abby - A scrapbook will be a great idea. Can't wait to see it.

CBrownColors said...


My roommate just broke my boyfriend's favorite mug, the mug pictured here! I'm looking everywhere on the internet for it. Could you give me the name of the grocery store or the manufacturer on the bottom? Maybe I can hunt it down ;-)


Danielle said...

CBrownColors - I got this mug at my local Kroger's grocery store. Hopefully you will be able to track it down!

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