Thursday, January 31, 2013

New Years Cards

I have been M.I.A from this spot because I threw my back out. It's been nothing but laying on the floor with a heating pad and moving only when absolutely necessary. M has been absolutely amazing - taking care of me & everything around here (nothing new about that actually). And thank goodness for The West Wing streaming on Netflix.

Today, I wanted to share the New Years cards I made. If you didn't get one from me, no worries, I'll be sending out Valentine's Day cards ;) While, I'm not officially participating in 52 weeks of mail this year, I will be making a concerted effort to send a few cards out monthly.

Have a great rest of the week & enjoy your weekend!


Janet said...

Your New Year's cards are so cool. I especially like the group with the hot air balloon card.

I hope your back is better. My son is going through the same thing right now.

Woz said...

i loved my card!! so adorable! :D :D :D

kathy @ vodka and soda said...

i just got mine... thank you so much. i love it!

Joyfulploys said...

Hi Danielle....I have been MIA for other my new sewing machine & have been working with it. Very nice cards!!!!Have a great weekend!!!

[eeny] said...

Thanks again for the pretty new years card. Really loved it and pinned it to my memory board right next to my desk.

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